
Model of a village in Romanesque times

Mixed technique.

Made by the artisan workshop Ornamentos Arquitectónicos.


Center of the sacristy.


Explaining what life was like in a village in Romanesque times is complicated, much separates us from the people of that time. In this model we have tried to tell the environment that was lived around the construction of a new temple, but also the day to day of a small medieval community where we observe what their homes, their jobs or their entertainment were like.

The decision to build a church was a great challenge for the entire community. The first step was to get the money. In many cases this could be contributed by the town itself, by a nearby monastery or by a noble family, both with economic interests in the territory. If they wanted to carry out a decent work, they had to hire a large group of workers, as well as specialists, whose renown or prestige made the work more expensive.

All the trades involved in it were located around the construction: stonemasons, sculptors, lime makers, roofers, carpenters, blacksmiths, etc. The master builder was in charge of directing the works and supervising the works. The whole project was in his head, from the foundations to the roof, to make every element fit together perfectly. For example, the façade required a very precise fit, for this reason, although it was later retouched, it was placed once the building was being completed, so that it would not suffer damage during construction.

The church was the main building in any village. The temple was not only the "House of God", it was the center of the community since the council met there, taxes were collected or justice was dispensed.

Model of a village in Romanesque timesModel of a village in Romanesque timesModel of a village in Romanesque timesModel of a village in Romanesque times
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