
Brief introduction to the hidden face of the monastery




On this tour to the hidden face of the monastery of Santa María la Real we suggest you learn about the most unknown history of our monastery through a tour of secret rooms, through epigraphs that go unnoticed and important details, but sometimes forgotten.

The story waits patiently, wanting to be heard.

The capitals will allow you to discover ancient monasteries that have now disappeared. The inscriptions will connect you with the moment when the construction of the abbey and its church was completed. The shields and tombs will bring you closer to the great families that rested within its walls. The brands will tell you about stonemasons and episodes in our history that are difficult to forget. You will see that the water gushes from the mountain and supports the entire monastery. You will learn about the feat of one of the great heroes, Bernardo del Carpio. The angels carrying messages will accompany you on this journey through the stones full of history of the Monastery of Santa María la Real.

Brief introduction to the hidden face of the monasteryBrief introduction to the hidden face of the monasteryBrief introduction to the hidden face of the monastery
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